Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 3

It's 11pm and the steady um puh umbpuh of bass under high electronic riffs pushes in through the open windows. If I had been taken here blindfolded I would swear I was somewhere in Asia based on the anime-esque sound. But I'm not.  I'm in Peru.    Under a warm alpaca blanket on the second floor of a house in Comas.

 Today we spent getting aclimated to our surroundings. We hiked up the hill to the cross overlook through the poorest parts of Comas.  Two years ago when I came everything was new, but now I feel like I'm visiting an old friend.  Others are here for the first time and I am reminded of the continual flow of life from new to old. I see it in the faces around me, young children with the aged. Nothing seems different here since I left but I know I've changed.  Loyda comments that my Spanish has improved. There's a change!

After the hill we plan for the documEntary.  When we have a rough schedule nailed down we take a short break then eat dinner.  It's already 9pm.  We celebrate gigi's birthday away from home then taxi it back to the house.  The music pumps through the window phnctuated by distant fireworks, lulling me to sleep.  So flows the river. Welcome to Peru.

1 comment:

  1. I'm vicariously enjoying this adventure of yours:) Your students are very pleasant folks and I think you'll like your time with them in the future months. I hope that you get to enjoy lots of new foods that we can't get here--that's my favorite part of travel. I'm sure that your being overwhelmed with kind hearts and smiles. See you in a few weeks!
