Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rules for Man On the Street

Ok, so while cruisin' around taping, I've discovered a few things that make the experience much more user-friendly. Like making sure people actually WANT to be video taped...

My question is why wouldn't EVERYone want to have their face all over the internet? Um, dunno. Maybe they're practicing to be lawyers, or celebrities in hiding, or criminals, or, uh, maybe vampires. I hear you can't see vampires on tape... (which brings up a strange question: why is it that you CAN'T see vampires on tape, but you CAN see ghosts on tape...hmmm.)

This is the first rule on tape!


  1. You have the "survivorman" setup. Pretty funny

  2. Oh my goodness- that's hilarious... Lee must hate video cameras more than I do...

  3. nah, he just hates not being properly groomed on 'em... =)
