Critter #1 - Normally, it trys to blend in to its surroundings and is brownish or greenish, with dull blue rings. Yes it's also the size of a golf ball, kind of like those cute little gremlins back in the '80's. Until you water them. Then, BAM! Three minutes from death. The first top ten selection is the Blue Ringed Octopus. There are actually three confirmed variations of the species.
While it's tiny, it has a beak that can cut through a wet suit, and venom that it mixes with its saliva, so when it bites you, in goes the venom. 3 minutes later, you're in cardiac arrest and respiratory failure. AND, there's no anti-venin for it.
The nice thing is it's very non-aggressive and only bites when it's threatened (i.e. someone tries to pick it up). Fortunately, it's rings glow electric blue like a neon sign when it's feeling insecure. Unfortunately, that's usually a split second before it strikes.
The great news, of course, is that if you get CPR and life-support, you'll be ok when the venom works its way out of your body several hours later. Rule of thumb: Don't pick up little electric blue golf balls of death...
If you want more info, like the ingredients of the toxin (fascinating for all you medical types) check out (you guessed it)
At any rate, tune in tomorrow (later today?) for the next critter in the list, and possibly some footage that I shot today. Have to say it's been fun being the "man on the street" interviewer! AND, I'll be sharing some guidelines I'm picking up in the process of filming...
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